Here Comes the Sun 🌞
On the evening of January 11th we opened our doors for a first evening named "Here Comes the Sun". We celebrated the passing of Winter Solstice into the dawning of Spring and the Awakening of our Illumine Social Club.
We expected a smallish trickling and found we were wall to wall with smiling curious humans - new friends and old.
If you are new to us here, we are centered around Light - both the literal and the metaphorical. We are here to reshape and revel in the Human Experience. We hold conversations, we explore our emotional qualities using bio-feedback equipment and we are here to inspire optimism in our human collective.
What is "Bio-Feedback"?
Simply stated Bio-Feedback is the BIO-logical energy a living organism emits. Every living thing emits traceable current. We focus on human as Human Experience is a great picture of life here on Earth, also we are human ;-).
There are many ways to utilize Bio-Feedback, one of the ways we use it is in what is common referred to as "Aura" Photography. It is aptly called so due to the nature in which the photograph reveals our emitted frequency all around us as an "Aura" would appear, below are a couple examples.
You can book your "Aura" portraits here and read a little more ILLUMINE BEING.
Are we a shop too?
Yes! Contained in our "parlor" is a curated number of offerings by creators and artists we see revolutionizing our world in one way or another.
A couple of our creators...
"Communion by Joy is a jewelry line created to remind women of the power of their own inner spirit. Inspired by rituals, symbolism, the spirit in nature, animals and people to evoke strength, guidance and power."
Joy is a dear friend of ours and a guiding light to many. We are great believers in honoring and empowering self worth. To save for and and adorn ones self in hand created heirloom pieces is a tribute to that sacred self investment.
We are a proud partner of Bathing Culture! We offer their beautiful Rainbow Glass bottles with refill station and Cosmic Rainbow puff towels - not pictured, you have to hold them to believe them!
Please stop in and peruse all our artists.
Wait, what's a Social Club?
In a broad definition, social clubs allow people interested in common activities or subjects to congregate and interact with one another. Our goal at Illumine Social Club is to bridge the divide between fields of study and disciplines- and offer a more in-depth, meaningful understanding of our world and how we interact.
We are creating a curated calendar of plenty of tongue n' cheek sort of fun, meaningful discussions of our human-ness to intimate gatherings exploring our very life force utilizing our patented Bio-Feedback systems.
To Stay in the Loop join the Newsletter HERE.
We look forward to seeing under the Sun!
Warmly, Megan & Paul